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SI.FER S.r.l.
Ferdinando Sisti
Via O. Romero 15
Castelfidardo, AN, 60022
Widestore s.r.l.
gTLD Technical Contact
via Gulinelli 21/a
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MOSS 2007, Testing and Musing. Introducing Testing to Developers and Test Managers within MOSS 2007. Friday, 22 October 2010. Introducing StyleCop to Legacy Code. Wednesday, 13 October 2010. Drop into GAC on Windows Server 2008. 4 Reboot for the policy to be applied.
Donate to Our Project in Kenya. Find out more about our competition results during the central Canada regional exposition. Representing Canada at the Worlds 2013, Cancun Mexico. When you effectively bridge the gap between industry leaders, academic institutions and future leaders, greatness happens. This is what ENACTUS does for Canada.
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Terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010. Os desafios que estão implícitos em fazer parte do Time Sife Santa Cruz. O que se ganha participando do Time Sife Santa Cruz? Walcir Soares da Silva Junior. Presidente Time Sife Santa Cruz. Aluno do 8º Período de Ciências Econômicas. Os desafios que estão implícitos em fazer parte do Time Sife Santa Cruz. O que se ganha participando do Time Sife Santa Cruz? Walcir Soares da Silva Junior. Presidente Time Sife Santa Cruz.
SIFE Southampton Students in free Enterprise. Monday, 11 May 2009. John Denham MP about SIFE Southampton projects. SIFE Recruitment Evening - 6pm, room 1067 in the Murray Building. Make a real difference? SIFE SOUTHAMPTON IS THE PLACE FOR YOU! Our mission statement is to promote entrepreneurship through sustainable, ethical change, which is fundamental and applicable in any society. Tuesday, 28 April 2009. Tim Smit, founder of the Eden Project. This is a great source of inspiratio.